Black Dog Fire Department ISO Rating
Tell your Homeowner's Insurance Company to download this Official ISO Letter giving Black Dog Fire Department a Rating of "5". This new rating "officially" started on July 1, 2016. Because our rating went from a "9" to a "5" you should see a significant reduction in your Insurance premiums. One of our Board Member's home insurance was reduced $905.00 per year. Another saved over $2,200 per year with the new improved ISO rating. Get your homeowners insurance reviewed and save money!
​The ISO Rating of a Fire Department has a very significant and direct effect on the community. The lower the rating, the more likely the Fire Department will be able to respond quickly to emergencies. This means Black Dog Fire Department is more likely to save property and lives with a lower ISO rating. A lower ISO rating is better than a higher ISO rating. The ISO rating has a direct effect on the community’s Homeowners Insurance Rates. Almost all Insurance Companies will lower insurance premiums if the ISO rating is lower. Much like lowering your Car Insurance if you have good driving record.
Black Dog Fire Department has been working on a Master Plan for about the past 5 years to meet the standards of a lower ISO rating. With the completion of the Tanker Building, three updated Water Tankers, new radios and radio tower, new firefighting gear, and other improvements, Black Dog Fire Department was retested by ISO auditors. Good planning, hard work, and attention to detail has resulted in an ISO rating of "5". This rating puts Black Dog as one of the highest rated rural Fire Departments. A better ISO rating should help the community feel more confident in Black Dog Fire Department. The financial impact of a better ISO rating will enable the community to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in Home Owners Insurance Premiums.